Monday, June 18, 2012

Mission... Oh, I've stopped counting

Margie - or whoever - I just got back from a run for five-lambda.... oh, I'm just going to call it 5. Theta. W.  Anyway, I just got back and any information on a lab tech named Arthur Ghurkhan might be helpful.  He may be the key to getting us out of this... um... pickle.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but ask Siva for whatever he has on Pandora Hayes in his conspiracy files.  He might actually have been onto something.  They were working on some sort of cell regeneration thing.  I wish I'd passed a science class or two!  Anyway, get our geek squad onto this.  They might be able to figure out what went wrong. 

As I said, we've been able to focus a bit on entertainment recently.  Runners have been picking up books, and one of our residents has begun a "book club" of sorts: she reads a chapter or two a night aloud for those who wish to listen.  A couple nights ago, she started reading Pride and Prejudice.  I like to go and listen, and Sam went as well.  Afterward, he gave me his review: "Pretty ridiculous, really."  I was surprised, to say the least.  "It's a classic," I told him.  "Well," he said, "I read the original, and I guess I don't see the point.  It just seems stupid without the zombies."

You owe me for this mission.  Big time.

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